We did it again!
Our multi-awarded naturally Hellenic smoked in oak, sea salt from Mesolongi received a 3***
stars award in Brussels by the International Taste institute. It's the third time that our product is being
recognized by the taste experts, members of the most prestigious Chef associations, as an "exceptional taste" product!
Δημοφιλή βίντεο
Πρόσφατες δημοσιεύσεις
- Now Hiring !June 17, 2023
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- Και ο Μουζουράκης στο ΑΓΟΡΑJune 16, 2021
- H Μεγαλειότητα Βασίλισσα του Κονγκό DiambiJune 16, 2021
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