Agora Bar Restaurant asked for the Soul Creative Agency’s assistance on the redesigning of two wine labels signed by the restaurant. Given that the names for the wine varieties Malagouzia/Assyrtiko and Xinomavro/Agiogiorgitiko are Argo and Odyssey respectively,
SOUL creative agency
used the label’s surface to narrate stories inspired by the Greek mythology.Έρευνα
Δημοφιλή βίντεο
Πρόσφατες δημοσιεύσεις
- Now Hiring !June 17, 2023
- AGORA Restaurant A TOP 10 BEST STEAK RESTAURANT in AthensMay 10, 2023
- Με φίλους αγαπημένους..February 8, 2022
- Ευχαριστούμε πολύ Champ!February 6, 2022
- Και ο Μουζουράκης στο ΑΓΟΡΑJune 16, 2021
- H Μεγαλειότητα Βασίλισσα του Κονγκό DiambiJune 16, 2021
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